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Flashing Firmware into MegaSquirt ECU's

Most MegaSquirt users will upgrade their firmware at some point or another. Follow these simple steps to ensure the upgrade process goes smoothly.


Acquiring the Firmware

Begin by downloading the latest stable firmware release package. Save it to an easily accessible location on your computer, such as your desktop. The file will be compressed as a ZIP file, so decompress its contents. The resulting folder must be on the same hard-drive as your tuning software.

Updating the INI/ECU Definition File

If using TunerStudio MS, you can skip this step. TunerStudio MS will ask you to locate the “msns-extra.ini” file manually upon creation of a new project. If you already have a project, navigate to “File” > “Project” > “Project Properties”, then check the box next to “Other” and click on “Browse” to point TunerStudio to the ECU definition file.

Double-click the batch file labeled “copyini.bat.” You should see a screen like this:


Press any key and the screen will disappear. Your tuning software is now configured for the firmware you are about to load into your ECU.

If you do not see this screen, your tuning software is installed in a non-standard location. You must manually copy the “msns-extra.ini” file, found in the same folder as “copyini.bat,” to your tuning software's configuration file directory.

Flashing the ECU


The bootloader jumper can be found here on v2.2 boards:

Software: Microsoft Office

The bootloader jumper can be found here on v3.0 boards:


Once the bootloader jumper is in place, press “Enter.”


Acquiring the Firmware

Begin by downloading the latest stable firmware release package. Save it to an easily accessible location on your computer, such as your desktop. The file will be compressed as a ZIP file, so decompress its contents. The resulting folder must be on the same hard-drive as your tuning software.

Updating the INI File

If using TunerStudio MS, you can skip this step. TunerStudio MS will ask you to locate the “megasquirt-ii.ini” file manually upon creation of a new project. If you already created a project, navigate to “File” > “Project” > “Project Properties”, then check the box next to “Other” and click on “Browse” to point TunerStudio to the ECU definition file.

Double-click the batch file labeled “copyini.bat.” You should see a screen like this:


Press any key and the screen will disappear. Your tuning software is now configured for the firmware you are about to load into your ECU.

If you do not see this screen, your tuning software is installed in a non-standard location. You must manually copy the “megasquirt-ii.ini.ms2extra” file, found in the same folder as “copyini.bat,” to your tuning software's configuration file directory and rename it to “megasquirt-ii.ini.”

Flashing the ECU



Once the bootloader jumper is in place, press “Enter.”


Acquiring the Firmware

Begin by downloading the latest stable firmware release package. Save it to an easily accessible location on your computer, such as your desktop. The file will be compressed as a ZIP file, so decompress its contents. The resulting folder must be on the same hard-drive as your tuning software.

Updating the INI File

You must use TunerStudio MS with the MS3 firmware. TunerStudio MS will ask you to locate the “ms3.ini” file manually upon creation of a new project. If you already created a project, navigate to “File” > “Project” > “Project Properties”, then check the box next to “Other” and click on “Browse” to point TunerStudio to the ECU definition file.

Flashing the ECU



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